As the environment is at the heart of the political and social concerns of our planet, it has become essential to set up waste management systems in urban areas. These systems represent a significant cost for municipalities. RFID makes it possible to set up a system of traceability and identification of the different individual containers, it encourages sorting thanks to its recycling programs. The customer being rewarded encourages him to continue.

RFID technology is a valuable aid to optimize the different stages of waste management. To do this, on each bin is affixed a robust RFID tag SparTag to trace all information about the user or owner.

RFID makes it possible to automate the collection of waste and to follow with precision the traceability of the individual bins collected. The various information collected allows a verification of the application of the service and future improvements such as optimizing truck routes. The waste management process becomes simple, optimized and more accurate.

Each truck can ship an RFID reader with an integrated antenna to instantly capture the IDs of each bin. All the data collected by RFID can be used and sort specifically, this data can be the type of container, the weight or information about the customer. This data can be sent and collected on an external computer by a wireless system or directly stored within the truck computer and then transferred to the system that centralizes the waste management data.